Custom Homes


Home By Demand Group together with Misher Homes & Development LLC are experienced and skilled real estate professionals who not only specialize in helping our clients to buy, and sell real estate but, also help to build custom homes that perfectly match our clients' unique needs and preferences.


We work with architects, designers, and other builders closely with our clients to create a fully customized home that reflects their individual style and personality. We ensure the use of only the highest quality materials and the latest building techniques to ensure that each home is not only beautiful but also functional and energy-efficient.

Our commitment to exceptional craftsmanship and customer satisfaction aims to earn a reputation as one of the most trusted custom home builders in the industry. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, transparent communication, and timely project completion.

Whether you're looking to build your dream home from scratch or make significant renovations to your existing property, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help bring your vision to life.

Work With US

Whether you’re buying or selling, it’s ultimately about realizing a dream. LeVogne Misher understands how much the decision means to clients. In fact, that’s one of the reasons she became a real estate agent – to help people buy, sell a home, or turn their investments into cash-producing properties.